**Orientations** Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about our health and weight management program at our free orientation sessions. We are located in the Indianapolis area! If you don't live near a site-we have a Remote Program. Contact us at info@hntindiana.com for more information. Visit our website to check available dates.

Hurry...why weight?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Success Story #5

Bruce and Donna's HNT Story

Bruce and Donna heard about HNT through several friends from their church. Not only did they hear about HNT, but they witnessed their friends' successes through the program! Bruce and Donna thought that they too would join in with their success! Twenty weeks later, Bruce and Donna have met their weight loss goals by losing 42 and 36 pounds, respectively. Now, they both are joining the Practice classes as they continue to practice what they have learned in order to maintain their weight loss and new lifestyle.


Donna has tried a couple weight control programs in the past. However, Donna quotes that "each time I have found success in losing the weight but have regained weight over a period of time. I felt confident with the HNT program that I could lose the weight, but my ultimate goal is to keep the weight off and to establish better eating habits for my future. HNT seemed like a good program with the education it would provide and the [endocrinologist] looking over my progress seemed to be exactly what I was looking for." On the other hand, Bruce "truthfully had not been trying to lose weight" before joining the program. However, he mentions that he had lost weight in 2001 and had gained half of it back. "My weight seemed to creep up a few pounds every year," he comments. Bruce joined HNT as a support for Donna, but knew that he needed to make a change as well. Bruce had been having back pain due to arthritis, and he states that he is "at the age and stage of health that exercising the weight off is not an option like it was when I was younger. I needed a way to be healthy and maintain proper weight when I retire."


Donna stayed committed to HNT because she "liked the immediate results of the program." She has "found the meal replacements easy to prepare and eat" and help her maintain her weight. Bruce thought it was important that he and Donna were able to support and encourage each other throughout the process. Donna also comments on this fact that "working towards a common goal together has made a big difference for both of us." Bruce found that, "HNT has great people to guide you and their support is a big factor in keeping motivated. The weekly meetings are good to keep me focused on the things that I need to do, and having your own coach (dietitian) is really an invaluable asset. It has been a real education on how to be healthy. You don't get many opportunities to gain a new perspective on yourself like this program gives you. It has forever changed the way I treat my body, and all for the good."


When Bruce and Donna started the HNT behavior-modification classes, they realized that "there are so many things that you don't know about...but you can get the answers (and timely help) as you need them." Bruce now "pays a great deal of attention to what I eat now and there are so many small things that I didn't think had that much impact on my health: portion sizes, proper numbers of fruits and veggies, proper water consumption, nutrition and calorie balance, and many others." Donna now "knows exactly how many calories I can consume without weight gain. Plus, if I do put on a pound I have the tools, the knowledge, and the meal replacements to take it right back off!"


20 weeks later and 76 pounds lighter combined, Bruce and Donna physically feel better! Bruce is "much more in tune to what I need to do to keep myself healthy, not to mention that I feel great. People compliment me about looking fit, so it is rewarding in that sense also." Donna does "not have the highs and lows with blood sugar being on the HNT program. I am back to my high school weight, my weight before 4 children; I guess you could say I am back to the real me, finally. Mentally and physically it feels great to be back to me! HNT has helped me maintain one of my lifetime goals!"


Bruce and Donna have made lifestyle changes that have contributed to their success. Bruce is now always conscious of what he eats and the long-term consequences to his choices. He says, "My success is tied to the choices I make." Donna states, "We are working hard to changing our large family traditional meals, (which are loaded with thousands of calories and way too many sweets), towards healthier menus and placing our focus on the family members instead on the food."


Bruce encourages those reading this by saying, "If you want to be in control of your health, this program gives you the foundation for a lifestyle change that will put you in the driver's seat. 'Ultimately it is up to you to be successful' is the epiphany of this change in lifestyle, but the tools that you gain from HNT are going to build the foundation and ensure your success is attained." Donna adds by commenting, "You can have success too if you follow the program. Stick with it and you will be amazed at your results. You will get a lot of support from your Educator. Now is the time for change. You can do it!"

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