**Orientations** Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about our health and weight management program at our free orientation sessions. We are located in the Indianapolis area! If you don't live near a site-we have a Remote Program. Contact us at info@hntindiana.com for more information. Visit our website to check available dates.

Hurry...why weight?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is because 'breakfast' is when you 'break the over night fast' of not eating while you are sleeping.  Research indicates that those who ate a morning meal were more likely to maintain weight loss.  Study findings published in the National Weight Control Registry conclude that 78% of their participants who maintained their weight ate a morning meal each day.

It doesn't matter whether you are eating breakfast foods or not, the only thing that matters are the calories for weight loss. Sugary foods like doughnuts, pop tarts, sugary cereals do not provide much nutrition and also contain a lot of calories that can hinder weight loss.  Try to avoid this pit fall, by trying some of these ideas for your lower calorie, nutrition filled breakfasts:
  • Veggie breakfast burrito made with a whole wheat tortilla, 1/2 cup egg substitute or 2 egg whites scrambled with 1/2 cup or more of assorted cooked vegetables (green/red peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes,etc) and topped with an ounce of reduced fat cheese
  • Yogurt breakfast parfait made with 6 ounces of low-fat or light yogurt blended with 1/2 cup of chopped fruit layered in a bowl.  Great fruit ideas include mixed berries to get disease fighting antioxidants
  • Cooked oatmeal with cooked sliced apples topped with Splenda and cinnamon for a warm, fiber filled breakfast
  • Mediterranean egg white sandwich made with 100% whole wheat bread, 2 egg whites, sliced tomato, cooked or fresh spinach leaves, and onions
  • 100% whole wheat English muffin , sausage, and egg white sandwich with a side of fruit.  Use lean turkey sausage or Boca Sausage Crumbles for a lean meat option. 
These breakfast ideas all have protein, fiber, and fruits or vegetables which is providing great nutrition while keeping you full until lunch time!


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