**Orientations** Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about our health and weight management program at our free orientation sessions. We are located in the Indianapolis area! If you don't live near a site-we have a Remote Program. Contact us at info@hntindiana.com for more information. Visit our website to check available dates.

Hurry...why weight?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What does HNT mean to YOU?

Please think about what HNT means to you now that you’ve been involved with it, and think back to your mindset before you started. Think about the advice you’d give yourself back then and complete the sentence below on this link HERE.

When I do HNT I will ____________________ so that_____________________.

  • Please submit your contest entry by Friday May 28th. Dr. Schultz, founder of HNT will choose his top 5 favorites and we will post them on HNT’s Ning social network at www.healthone.ning.com on Monday May 31st.
  • Top 5 Winners will receive an HNT gym bag! Everyone will then be able to vote for their favorite! Winner will be announced on June 11th and wins an iPod Nano and a $100 gift certificate for his/her Health Educator!

If you have any questions about this contest, please contact your health educator!

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