**Orientations** Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about our health and weight management program at our free orientation sessions. We are located in the Indianapolis area! If you don't live near a site-we have a Remote Program. Contact us at info@hntindiana.com for more information. Visit our website to check available dates.

Hurry...why weight?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Be Informed About McDonald's (weight) Gain-opoly

Be Informed about McDonald's (weight) Gain-opoly:
*your best chances are winning $50 cash (1 in 61,811 people) and
*your worst chances are winning $1 million (1 in 618,106,20 people)....
Read HERE for other chances to win & odds ratios.

But the GREATEST chance is gaining weight from the selections you have to make to 'play-the-game':
Quarter Pounder w/Cheese: 510 calories
Big Mac: 540 calories
Large Fry: 500 calories
20 piece Nugget: 940 calories (10 piece = 470 calories)
Filet o Fish: 380 calories
Hash Brown: 150 calories
McCafe Drinks: 300-600+ calories
Fruit & Maple Oatmeal: 290 calories
McMuffin (egg or sausage): 300-400 calories

Which seems like the greatest chance of WINNING to you? Being 1 out of 60,000 people to win $50 (especially when you will probably spend more than $50 trying to win) OR avoiding the food that will only rack up calories and provide minimal nutrition? 
Don't play games with your weight loss or health!


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