**Orientations** Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about our health and weight management program at our free orientation sessions. We are located in the Indianapolis area! If you don't live near a site-we have a Remote Program. Contact us at info@hntindiana.com for more information. Visit our website to check available dates.

Hurry...why weight?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

For the Love of All Things Fall: Apples

Fall is a great time to discover or rediscover your love for apples.  Apples are yummy and for ~60-100 calories each (of course depending on size) you can get vitamins and minerals as well as insoluble fiber and soluble fiber! Sounds like a lot for a little, right? So, plan on heading out to the nearest apple orchard and doing a little u-pick (for the physical activity) and collecting some delicious apples.  Not sure what to do with them?  Here are 5 ways to incorporate apples into your meal plan:

1. Make homemade applesauce! Follow THIS link for detailed instructions. Add a bit of zero calorie sweetener if more sweetness is desired
2. Simple as a sliced apple-cut that baby up and chow down with some low-fat yogurt as a dip!
3. On-the-go. Easy as that.
4. Apple Salsa-sounds like a fiesta, huh?  Follow THIS link for the recipe.
5. Top your Vanilla Health One Meal Replacement 1 x 1 with sliced, cooked apples and sprinkle with cinnamon for an apple cobbler..mmmm

Are you feeling the fall-ness yet?

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